Pigeon has one RS-232 port (signals: RXD, TXD, RTS, CTS). By default, the Pigeon RS-232 serial port is configured to be used for the console.
The following parameters are needed to connect to the Pigeon console:
- Baud rate: 115200 bps
- Data Bits: 8
- Parity: None
- Stop Bits: 1
- Flow Control: none
RS-232 port is available under Linux as /dev/ttyAMA0.
Useful commands
Check the port settings
stty -a -F /dev/ttyAMA0
Send data to the RS-232 port
echo "test" > /dev/ttyAMA0
Read data from RS-232 port
cat /dev/ttyAMA0
Disable RS-232 port login
To be able to use the RS-232 port to connect and talk to other devices, the serial port console login needs to be disabled. The easiest way to do that is to use raspi-config:
- run raspi-config,
- navigate to Advance Options,
- navigate to Serial,
- select "No".
Warning! After reboot serial console will not be available, so the only way to access to login shell will be SSH. You have to know Pigeon IP address. See nmap section of Ethernet.