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RB700 Quickstart

Pigeon computers have installed and configured Linux system. The following points show the quick start with Pigeon computers.


  1. Connect your PC to a Pigeon COM port using the RS-232 null modem (handshaking is not necessary). If your PC has no serial port you can use USB/RS232 converter.
  2. On a PC side run RS-232 terminal software. For example, in Windows system, it can be: Tera Term, Hyperterminal, Putty. In Linux system: minicom, Putty, gtkterm. Configure the serial port as follows:
    • Baud rate: 115200 b/s,
    • Data bits: 8,
    • Parity: none,
    • Stop bit: 1,
    • Flow control: none.
  3. Connect the power supply 24V DC.
  4. In the case of RB700 Advance or RB700 Standard, the POWER button should start blinking, which means that UPS charges the capacitors.
  5. If everything is all right you will see the Linux boot messages.
  6. Default logins:
    • user: root, password: kristech,
    • user: pi, password: raspberry.
